templates Let’s select Pricing Table 1 as our template Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List for the pricing table. After selecting the template, you’ll be able to choose the number of columns and rows you want to add to your table. This is pretty neat and makes the whole process very smooth and fast. 05 Select number of columns After selecting the number of columns and rows, click on the Generate button to create your table. 06 Generate button Once your pricing table is generated, it’s only a matter of adding information and customizing its style. You can select and customize different elements and add new elements to the table from the sidebar panel. To create our desired pricing
table, let’s first add all the necessary information to Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List the table. We’ll start by moving the Price and the Buy Now button above the list items. We’ll also remove the Popular text ribbon from the table. Here’s what the table looks like now: 07 Edit template Now, it’s time to add more information about each plan. 08 Add details about each plan As you can see, the table is starting to look like our desired result. Let’s add the list of features to our table. To add this, go to Elements and insert the Text Icon element to your table. 09 Add features to the list To change the icon, select the element, and go to the Icon tab. Here, you’ll be able to change the icon from a list
of given icons. 10 Change icon After adding the list Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List of features, our pricing table is almost ready. 11 Pricing table almost complete It’s time to customize the table. Let’s start by adding spacing between elements. We’ll add some spacing between the price and the plan names. Select the Price text element and scroll down to the spacing settings in the sidebar panel. 12 Select price text element In the Padding section, add 20px padding to the top. Similarly, add padding to other elements for proper spacing. The next step in styling our table is customizing the buttons. Select the button element and change the button size to Large. 13 Select button